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Fuck For Nvidia From Linus Torvalds

Finland - Linus Torvalds visibly upset against Nvidia. Even in an opportunity, the inventor of the Linux operating system for the Nvidia middle finger. What is the reason?

Torvalds name was already well known in the world of open source. But not all know if he turned out really hate Nvidia. This was disclosed when he was a speaker for an event entrepreneur forum, at Otaniemi, Finland.

One participant raised her hand and asked about the difficulty of making Linux Torvalds runs perfectly on his laptop that uses Nvidia Optimus chip. Though Nvidia is the largest contributor to the graphics card in the computer realm.

"I was hoping that Nvidia will do something, but it turns out they do not provide support at all (for Linux-ed.)," Torvalds said, responding to questions of participants.

Torvalds looked at Nvidia who took advantage of the open source (Android) felt disappointed, and it is appropriate if it is poured giant micro chip support for Linux as it is done in Windows and Mac OS.

"So, Nvidia f *** you," said Torvalds, holding up his middle finger in front of the camera. As quoted from cnet, Monday (06/18/2012).

But not just Nvidia, Torvalds also feels other companies are not doing enough to support Linux. But he did not mention exactly which companies he has in mind.

Nvidia is already providing specific Linux drivers on the main site, but it still does not resolve issues surrounding the compatibility of components that had been going on for years.

Unlike its rival AMD, Nvidia looks reluctant to release open source drivers because they can divulge important information on the product.

Look this vidio of Linus Torvalds for F*** NVIDIA

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