For my friends who love to design websites and blogs certainly no stranger to the local host, the device used to build a webserver on your computer. Many types can be used to build localhost, such as XAMPP, WAMP, and so forth. Here I am trying to build locslhost using XAMPP on ubuntu 10.04, the steps I did was:
Download XAMPP
Installing, moving the file downloaded xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz to the home directory. Then open a terminal and type in the code below
example :
c0d334rl@Anonymous:~$ sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz-C / opt
This process is extract the file downloaded xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz to the / opt directory, after all finished means XAMPP is installed in / opt / lampp directory.
Running XAMPP, to run it pretty easy, just type the code as shown below
sudo / opt / lampp / lampp start
Last please test by typing http://localhost or in your favorite browser.