How to make own linux distro
- Go to
- Login first use your social network account
- click Create new appliance
- Select the OS template that you want
- Select the type of OS between 32 or 64 bit
- Give the name of the Linux distributions made by you
- Click Create Appliane
- You will be taken to the welcome page, click the Software
- Choose what software you want to includekan to your intaller
- Click the Configuration tab
- There are several sub-tabs:
In the General sub tab:
-select language and keybord input your linux distro
-adjust its Region and Time Zone
-set the Network, Firewall and User and Account
On the sub tab Personalize:
Upload logo and Background
On the sub tab StartUp:
-set the Default Runlevel
-insert your own EULA
You may pass through the sub tab Server, Desktop, Appliance, and Scripts if you think this setup is too complicated.
- Click the File tab if you want to add a file in linux distributions yours
- Configuration is complete. You live linux distro to compile yours in the Build tab.
- Before compiling, adjust the first version of the distro linuxmu
- And before click the Build button, select in any linux distro you
- Wait until the building is completed. It usually takes 5-10 minutes
- Isep cigarettes, coffee sruput you first ..
- Once completed, there are three options * Testdriver, * Download and View Files *
- Before you download, it helps you test-drive first so you know how yours goes ahead Linux Distro. Simply click testdrive.
note :
Remember, only the last 7 days, to save space on the server Suse Studio.
Remember, only the last 7 days, to save space on the server Suse Studio.